What is the Best Underlay for Soundproofing UK?

Learn about the best underlay for soundproofing UK - MuTeMat 2, Reverso SoundMat, Super Gold & more! Get tips on installation & more.

What is the Best Underlay for Soundproofing UK?

What is the best soundproof base for impact noise? To reduce impact noise, the MuTeMat 2 is the ideal solution. It combines a high-mass vinyl layer with a closed-cell absorbent foam layer, which compresses slightly under pressure to absorb impact noise. The Reverso SoundMat can be used on most final finishes of hardwood floors without the need to add an additional layer. For any thinner hard finish, we recommend a 6mm hard plate to provide a flat, stable base.

The best base for vinyl floors is an acoustic felt, specifically designed for this purpose. This type of material is thinner and less dense, so it largely recovers the “bounce” you would experience with other materials when using vinyl. In general, the expected Delta IIC value is 21 for an elastic material such as foam, fiber or cork. To address low-frequency sounds, such as the sounds of bass music, adding a damping compound like Green Glue is recommended.

This must be applied between two rigid layers (such as 2 OSB plates). Each time the two layers are excited by sound, the wave will be absorbed by the glue and converted to heat. The QuietWalk Plus is a great soundproofed base with an excellent IIC rating and quality-price ratio. Roberts Super Felt Premium has sound-absorbing properties and a Delta IIC of 2.Natural cork underlayment is twice as thick as other materials and dampens impact sounds very well with a Delta IIC of 22. The FloorMuffler UltraSeal is thinner (2 mm) but has better sound absorption properties with a Delta IIC of 25 and includes a vapor barrier.

The Silent Vapor Barrier 3-in-1 is recommended for rooms with less traffic, while FloorMuffler UltraSeal is better for higher frequency of passage. For engineered hardwood floors, Super Gold provides excellent impact noise reduction and QuietFloor Plus reduces both impacts and discomfort caused by airborne noise through floors. The MuTeMat 3 is the best acoustic base that helps you meet the construction standards of Part E without the need to use any other material. When installing carpets on hardwood floors to dampen sound, make sure to use an acoustic base like Super Gold or QuietFloor Plus.

For best results, place the acoustic base at wall height and use a washer on top of the mat to draw a line across the carpet by dragging it across the wall to obtain an exact replica of the shape and curve of the wall. Beware of companies that claim their sublayer products completely block airborne noise on concrete floors - this only shows how much airborne noise is blocked on a concrete floor, of which the base of the carpet accounts for only 5%.

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